Lessons learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Pandemic Cleaning Tips   At a time when COVID infection rates are the lowest they’ve been in 15 months, the United States has reached a point where a lot of us can look back on the challenging circumstances we endured, to glean valuable lessons for the future.  Unlike many other industries (albeit against their will) which shut down, the importance … Read More

People First Spotlight: Sonia and Stephanie Aguilar

a&a employees people first

Last week, two of our A&A team members were thrust into the spotlight when a car crash took place in front of their eyes while on the way to work.  Mother and daughter duo, Sonia and Stephanie Aguilar were on their way to work early last week when they witnessed a motorist speeding across an intersection and slamming into a … Read More

How To Help Employees Feel Safe Returning To The Workplace

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Return To The Workplace   From the very start of the pandemic, we’ve done our best as a company to strategize for our customers changing needs. Now, more than a year into the pandemic and we are seeing more and more companies opening up for business.  This shift from remote work to at the very least, part time in-office work … Read More

What Can A WellnessClean™ Ambassador Mean For Your facility?

WellnessClean™ Ambassadors animation

Commercial Disinfectant Cleaning   This month marks the near one-year anniversary from when the coronavirus pandemic began making its impact felt across our country and across every industry we could’ve imagined.  In the wake of the challenges that presented themselves, the cleaning industry, one that’s usually out of the spotlight, was brought front and center as a pivotal component to … Read More

A Guide to Reopening Gathering Areas Safely: Fitness Centers

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Fitness Center Cleaning   With restrictions beginning to loosen throughout the country, many of our clients have been in search of protocols to put in place for reopening their common gathering areas. It’s in preparation for reopening areas safely that we’re sharing a guide of protocol suggestions that may help you as you navigate to reopen your common gathering areas. … Read More

The Effectiveness of ATP Testing

atp testing machine

ATP Testing After its success in the EVS field, ATP testing has become a method used across all industries to better measure cleanliness and overall cleaning performance. Implementing an ATP Testing program lays the foundation for increased accountability when measuring the success of your cleaning processes.  Before ATP Testing, visual inspections and fluorescent markers were some of the most commonplace … Read More

Armando Rodriguez Sr. Crystal Star Award 2020 Recipients

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The Armando Rodriguez Sr. Crystal Star Award is a long-standing tradition that has roots dating back to the founding of A&A. Every year A&A comes together as a company to recognize and reward those who have exemplified the qualities we value most. These Crystal Star Award winners are team members who have proven to be strong, dedicated employees, capable of … Read More

Enhanced Look, Evolved Commitment.

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  Our valued community, Clearly, the world has forever changed. Our new look and feel also has changed, to reflect who we are, what we do and how we’ve elevated our existing services to meet the demand’s of today’s health and safety requirements. While every person is essential to make the world turn, right now our employees dedicate their time … Read More

Back To School With CDC Guidelines

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As the National Schooling Landscape navigates the difficulties between holding classes remotely or in-person, the CDC last week released new indicators to help schools in their decision-making processes. Altogether, the indicators give some sort of measurement to make sense of how school administrators should strategize around this very unprecedented situation. The indicators look at several factors, such as: The number … Read More