How American Honda Strategized for the Pandemic, Featuring Garth Sellers

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Learn about how American Honda kept their facility safe from Covid-19 in our latest interview with industry veteran, Garth Sellers from American Honda in Southern California. Garth has served as the National Facilities Manager for American Honda Motor Company over the last 35 years. The American Honda Motor Company, Inc. is a North American subsidiary of the Honda Motor Company, … Read More

Georgia Pacific Interview, Featuring Darin Squires

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This week we had the excellent opportunity to interview Darin Squires, General Sales Manager for Georgia Pacific (GP). Darin and our team had the chance to discuss the topic of how GP is protecting facilities from bacterial spread through the use of their technology and optimized work practices. Georgia-Pacific is an American pulp and paper company based in Atlanta, Georgia, … Read More

Pandemic Response and Re-Entry: An interview with Joe Archie, Director of Campus Operations, Loyola Law School

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Recently, we had the opportunity to have a conversation with Joseph Archie, Director of Campus Operations at Loyola Law School in California about how the Coronavirus Pandemic has impacted the University’s operational procedures. In this interview you’ll learn about the steps Joe and his team took to face the pandemic head on and how they’re planning for the future so that they can keep their University’s students and staff members as safe as possible.

Detailed Return-To-Work Plan

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A&A Maintenance has been committed to assisting our customers in developing return-to-work plans.  Our People First™ approach is centered around a safe, clean environment that is well communicated to building occupants. As we navigate the new post-pandemic processes and procedures we thought sharing our return-to-work plan for our office in Yonkers, NY may be a helpful resource. We’ll be sharing … Read More

Wellness Clean™ x GBAC Certified

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In our continued effort to consistently provide our customers with the highest level of service possible, many members of our Operations Team are now certified through GBAC (The Global Biorisk Advisory Council) with an emphasis on SARS-CoV-2/ COVID-19.

Wellness Clean™ Workplace Re-Entry Plan

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Life as we know it has changed right before our eyes. COVID-19 has impacted every aspect of our lives and it has required all of us to respond and evolve very quickly. Typically janitorial cleaning services have been a commodity and at times an afterthought – now this essential business has been catapulted into the spotlight.

Introducing Wellness Clean by A&A

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 27, 2020 Introducing Wellness CleanTM by A&A For nearly 50 years, A&A’s top priority has been the health, safety, and well-being of people. In response to the changing landscape surrounding cleanliness during these unprecedented times, it has become even more important to not only ensure that people are safe, but that they feel safe. We understand … Read More

Letter to our frontline workers

A Message From Our CEO, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 29, 2020 To all of our frontline workers, What the world has experienced over the last few months is unprecedented in our lifetimes. From one day to the next, reports from around our communities are hitting our homes and striking us at our cores. In over thirty years of experience in … Read More