Most overlooked Places Germs are Hiding in Your Office

Most overlooked Places Germs are Hiding in Your Office 

In today’s health-conscious world, emphasizing cleanliness in our workplaces has never been more crucial. While our routine cleaning practices effectively manage the basics, there exist often-ignored corners that demand our extra attention. Consider this: did you know that, on average, an office worker accumulates a staggering 10 million bacteria on their hands every single day? It might sound surprising, but it’s an undeniable reality embedded in our daily work routines.

Think about your typical day in the office – opening doors, typing on keyboards, or grabbing a cup of coffee. These simple activities mean we’re unintentionally carrying around loads of bacteria. And it’s not just on our hands; these tiny travelers journey from elevator buttons to shared desks and even find their way onto the office couch. This low-key trek highlights the need to look beyond what we can see on surfaces.

So, it’s time to shake up our perspective on office cleanliness. It’s not solely about eliminating what we can see with the naked eye; it’s also about acknowledging and addressing these tiny passengers. To ensure the health of our workplaces, we need to take a closer look into the unseen world of these microorganisms, ensuring our efforts go beyond the surface level. 

Here are 8 places often overlooked where germs linger and cause harm to your health. 

person hand pulling a door handle

  1. Door Handles 

Door handles in offices see a ton of action, and with all that touching, they tend to get pretty dirty. Think about it – whether it’s entering the building, using the bathroom, or just moving around the office, door handles get a workout. Even though some places are introducing foot pedals to make doors hands-free, most people still reach for the handle. That’s why it’s crucial to give door handles a good clean and disinfect them regularly throughout the day. Studies show that door handles can be a breeding ground for various bacteria, making them prime spots for spreading germs. By keeping door handles clean, you’re taking a step toward a healthier office environment for everyone.

a white keyboard and mouse on a desk

  2. Keyboard and Mouse 

Your keyboard is another office item that’s touched regularly—often without a second thought. You may have food or drink remnants on your hand and without properly using a napkin or wet wipe, you immediately go back to typing. With the small cracks making it hard to clean, keyboards often end up accumulating far more debris and germs than we’d like to imagine. In fact, studies suggest that keyboards can harbor more bacteria than a toilet seat. To properly clean and disinfect keyboards, they should be unplugged and sprayed with a duster to remove excess particles. Afterward, finish cleaning by wiping the surface with a disinfectant or cleaner before plugging it back in.

hand pressing buttons on a copier machine

  3. Office Equipment (Printers and Copiers)

In virtually every workplace, shared equipment like printers, photocopiers, fax machines, and other appliances are common. Consequently, these shared devices become communal touchpoints, with the fingers of numerous employees interacting with them daily.

To establish a comprehensive defense against the spread of germs, regular cleaning and sanitization of shared equipment are essential. Considering the high traffic and diverse interactions, these devices should be included in routine cleaning schedules. This not only contributes to a visibly cleaner workspace but also ensures a hygienic environment, promoting the health and well-being of all employees. By combining strategic measures, such as hand sanitizer dispensers, with consistent cleaning practices, workplaces can create a more resilient defense against the unseen threats posed by shared office equipment.

finger pushing a elevator button

  4. Elevator Buttons

Numerous studies have shed light on the fact that these frequently touched surfaces serve as hotspots for various bacteria, some of which are linked to respiratory illnesses. Given the consistent interaction elevator buttons receive from a diverse range of individuals daily, the potential for germ accumulation is significant. Understanding this heightened risk emphasizes the necessity for regular cleaning and disinfection of elevator buttons. This proactive approach is vital for creating an environment that minimizes the potential spread of infectious agents. Elevator buttons become conduits for the unintentional transfer of germs from one person to another, making routine cleaning an essential practice.

pantry with coffee machine and mugs

  5. Coffee Maker and Mugs

Coffee makers are an essential fixture in the bustling workspace, providing a necessary fuel for productivity. Throughout the day, employees interact with the coffee maker multiple times, whether they’re refilling their cups or brewing a fresh pot. However, amid the hustle, it’s crucial to recognize that coffee maker handles evolve into thriving breeding grounds for germs. The same holds true for coffee mugs, often reused throughout the day without undergoing proper washing between refills. Some employees even opt to leave their coffee mugs on their desks overnight for the sake of convenience, intending to use the same mug the following day.

Yet, this convenience comes at a cost. A seemingly innocent coffee cup, left unwashed or cleaned, transforms into one of the most bacteria-laden items in any workspace. With a touch of extra effort, the bacterial count on a coffee mug can plummet by over 2,000 per square inch. However, achieving this reduction requires more than a cursory wipe with a dirty sponge; thorough cleaning is paramount to creating a healthier workspace.

big windows overlooking a city view

  6. Windows 

Windows and blinds, common features in office spaces and facilities, are often subjected to frequent handling throughout the day as individuals adjust them to regulate light. Surprisingly, the small devices used for opening and closing blinds tend to be underestimated in custodial cleanings, leading to the accumulation of millions of germs over time on these often-overlooked surfaces. In reality, these neglected areas can become breeding grounds for bacteria.

person hand reaching for a office phone

  7. Desktop Phones

The typical office desk phone harbors more than 1,600 bacteria per square inch, rendering it at least 15 times more contaminated than a toilet seat in a shared office bathroom. Throughout the day, these phones become unwitting repositories of bacteria as they are frequently used, with users unknowingly introducing germs while speaking into the receiver or handling the phone during snacks or lunches. Surprisingly, office phones often receive less attention in terms of cleaning compared to their mobile counterparts, primarily due to the oversight in our daily routines. To foster a germ-free office environment and establish a safer workspace, it’s crucial to shift our perspective on phone hygiene and cease neglecting the regular cleaning and disinfecting of these high-touch devices.

conference room with empty chairs around a office table

  8. Conference Rooms

Conference rooms play a crucial role in facilitating employee-client interactions, idea presentations, and business advancement. However, the frequent use by numerous individuals exposes these spaces to a substantial influx of germs. While our cleaning efforts often prioritize the conference table, windows and carpet, certain elements like presentation controllers and the arms of communal chairs can be inadvertently overlooked. These often-neglected areas quietly accumulate grime and germs day after day. With forearms and hands constantly touching these chair arms, they unintentionally become breeding grounds for microbes long before occupants consider a thorough wipe-down. To effectively combat the gradual buildup of germs in conference rooms, it is vital to collaborate with professional cleaners who diligently address these often-overlooked details, ensuring a meeting environment that is not only cleaner but also safer for everyone involved.

Ensuring a healthy workspace involves more than just surface-level cleaning. Achieving a cleaner and safer office environment requires a meticulous approach that not only tackles visible dirt but also addresses the microscopic hitchhikers we unknowingly carry daily. Our dedication to your well-being goes beyond routine cleaning; it’s about creating a workspace that prioritizes hygiene, fostering an environment where everyone can thrive. 

Remember a well-maintained workplace not only boosts employee satisfaction and productivity but also contributes to improved health, well-being, and overall job performance. Such an environment promotes collaboration, creativity, and innovation, making it a pleasant and engaging place to work.

If you’re ready to implement cleaning strategies that will drastically improve the quality and health of your facility and its employees, contact A&A Elevated Facility Solutions today. We’ll work with you to create a comprehensive and customized facility maintenance plan that works for you. 

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