Memberships and Certifications

CIMS & CIMS GB with Honors
Consensus-based management cleaning standard.
Any organization can claim that they are dedicated to quality and customer satisfaction, but only a CIMS-certified contractor can assert that an independent, accredited assessor has reviewed the organization’s management and operations systems and verified compliance with the principles and requirements of CIMS. By requiring CIMS certification, much of the guesswork is taken out of the equation and you reduce the risk that your contracted cleaning organization will be unable to deliver consistent quality service.

Global Biorisk Advisory Council
Prepare, respond & recover from biological threats.
GBAC is an experienced network of experts and certified partners who are prepared to respond to any event involving a biological crisis. The council is composed of international leaders in the fields of microbial-pathogenic threat analysis and biohazard mitigation.
The Global Biorisk Advisory Council® (GBAC) helps organizations and businesses prepare for, respond to, and recover from biological threats, and biohazard situations and real-time crises.

Association for the Health Care Environment
Committed to pathogen-free healthcare environments
The Association for the Health Care Environment (AHE) is a Professional Membership Group of the American Hospital Association. AHE is the organization of choice for professionals responsible for establishing and maintaining health care environments that are free of surface contamination and that support safety, service, and efficient and effective operations.

U.S. Green Building Council
Better buildings equal better lives.
USGBC created LEED to measure and define what green building meant, and to provide a roadmap for developing sustainable buildings. With LEED, there is an established baseline—a universally agreed upon holistic system for reducing environmental impact.
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the most widely used green building rating system in the world. Available for virtually all building types, LEED provides a framework for healthy, highly efficient, and cost-saving green buildings. LEED certification is a globally recognized symbol of sustainability achievement and leadership.

National Minority Supplier
Advancing business connections that count.
NMSDC develops successful relationships between America’s top corporations and supply-chain partners
from the Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native American communities. Chartered in 1972, NMSDC has established a national network of corporate members now numbering 1,450. That membership includes America’s top companies – publicly, privately and internationally owned – as well as universities, hospitals and other institutions with supply-chain needs.

Building Owners & Managers Association
Leading trade association for commercial real estate.
Founded in 1907, the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International is a federation of U.S. local associations and global affiliates. The leading trade association for commercial real estate professionals for more than 100 years, it represents the owners, managers, service providers and other property professionals of all commercial building types, including office, industrial, medical, corporate and mixed-use.
BOMA International is the partner individuals in the commercial real estate industry choose to maximize value for their careers, organizations and assets. Its mission is to advance a vibrant commercial real estate industry through advocacy, influence and knowledge.
International Facility Management Association
Empowering facility professionals worldwide.
Founded in 1980, IFMA is the world's largest and most widely recognized international association for facility management professionals, supporting over 23,000 members in more than 100 countries.
This diverse membership participates in focused component groups equipped to address their unique situations by region (142 chapters), industry (16 councils) and areas of interest (six communities). Together they manage more than 78 billion square feet of property and annually purchase more than US$526 billion in products and services.